News Releases

News Releases



CAA Asks: Are You and Your Vehicle Winter Ready?

In Saskatchewan, we know that our winter weather can change quickly. One day we have calm and cool, and the next day, snow, wind, ice, and slush! CAA recommends not to wait, and to act now to get our vehicles and ourselves as drivers, ready for winter. Drivers: Winter Ready Check List

Have a SAFE and Spooky Halloween from CAA!

CAA Saskatchewan is reminding drivers and pedestrians to be safe on Halloween night. Trick-or-Treating Safely:

Help Keep Our School Zones Safe!

CAA Saskatchewan is reminding motorists, parents, and students to be alert and stay safe around schools and playgrounds. With students back in class, busy extra-curricular schedules, and the arrival of cooler weather, school zones are becoming more congested. According to a recent CAA survey, the top two hazardous behaviours performed by motorists in school zones are speeding and distracted driving.

CAA Named a Top Trusted Brand in Canada for Seven Years

The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) has been named the most trusted insurance brand in the country and is among the top three most trusted brands overall, in the annual Gustavson Brand Trust Index released today. Learn More

It's Official! Today is the First Day of Summer. CAA is Here to Help Keep You and Your Family Safe!

Boating, fishing, cycling, walking, hiking, gardening, camping, road tripping, golfing, and swimming. These are just a few of the summer activities that many of us enjoy. Whether you’re planning a vacation to your favourite camp site or beach, or staycationing in your own back yard or local park, CAA is here to help with some good safety advice.

Always Be Alert in School Zones! That's the Safety Message from CAA After a Horse Interrupts a School Zone Safety Assessment at Eastend School.

On Tuesday, May 30, 2023, a CAA School Zone Safety Assessment was conducted at Eastend School in Eastend, Saskatchewan. The assessment took place before school from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., lunch dismissal from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., and after school from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Cycle Safe This Summer! CAA's Bike Safety Advice on All Things Cycling!

We’re kicking off our Bike Safety campaign during Bike Safety Week, May 14 to 20, offering safety advice for cyclists and motorists throughout the summer. Drivers and cyclists both need space, so let’s all share the road safely.

Results of CAA’s School Zone Safety Assessment at White City’s Emerald Ridge Elementary School and Ecole White City School

On Tuesday, May 2, 2023, a CAA School Zone Safety Assessment was conducted at two White City elementary schools. Ecole White City is located at 30 Kingsmere Ave. and Emerald Ridge Elementary School is located at 15 Motherwell Drive in White City. The assessment took place before school from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. and after school from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.