Consumer Education

CAA Saskatchewan has represented the interests of motorists since it was founded in 1917. The world has evolved since then and so has CAA. As a dedicated safety advocate for motorists, pedestrians, travellers, and consumers, CAA provides education and information, supports traffic safety programs, and addresses related public policy issues.

Autonomous & Connected Vehicles

Only a few years ago, automated vehicles (AV’s) seemed like a distant future. But as technology evolves, it’s easier to see how driverless cars could become reality. That’s not to say the process won’t take time. There are also important questions to answer before this vision can come to life including concerns around data privacy and safety, not to mention the unique challenge of making everything work in Canadian winters. Learn more, visit

Combatting Auto Theft

Do you know someone that has had a vehicle stolen? Chances are you do. Auto thefts are on the rise and in fact, a car is being stolen every five minutes in Canada.

CAA has been advocating for this important issue to include more resources and better coordination for law enforcement, stepping up efforts to inspect cargo containers, implementing stiffer penalties for criminals caught stealing vehicles, and eliminating devices that are used by thieves to steal vehicles.

Here are some ways you can help prevent car theft:

  • When you are away from home park in a well-lit area and that’s well trafficked.

  • At home, park in your garage if you have one.

  • If you have a single-lane driveway, park the less valuable car behind the more valuable car.

  • Close and lock your doors and windows (including your sunroof).

  • Don’t leave any valuables or personal information in your vehicle.

  • Detach your house keys from your car keys.

  • Keeping your wireless key FOB away from your front door.

  • You could also use a Faraday box or RFID key signal blocker.

  • Purchase a steering wheel lock.

  • Check into a professionally installed aftermarket immobilizer – an electronic security or tracking device.

If your car is stolen, report it to the police immediately and contact your CAA Insurance Consultant. Visit to learn more.

Read this informative blog for more information:

Visit the Public Safety Canada website to learn more about the National Action Plan on Combatting Auto Theft.

Data Privacy

Who should control your data? How will it be used?
CAA believes that people should be aware of what data is being collected and should also decide who their data is shared with. Learn more


Thinking about getting an e-bike? E-bikes are becoming more popular. They are lighter, and more powerful, as well as more affordable.

What is an e-bike?

An e-bike is an electric pedal bike, a bicycle equipped with an electric motor powered by a rechargeable battery. The basic difference between an e-bike and an electric scooter or moped is that an e-bike requires you to pedal.

What types of e-bikes are there?

There are two categories of e-bikes. Those with a mid-drive motor (between the pedals) and those with a hub motor (on the rear wheel axle).

  • Bikes with mid-drive motors look like classic bicycles and give you a little boost when you need it. They provide progressive assistance based on how hard you pedal. This is an ideal bike for those who want to pedal, but with a little help. They can be easier to control.
  • Hub motor e-bikes provide even more assistance. You can choose your speed and power-assisted level. They also have a throttle, so you can cruise along without pedalling at all. These bikes are great for people who enjoy going for a spin but don’t want to strain their knees. Because they operate more like a small motorbike, they can be harder to control for beginners.

Here are some things to consider when looking for an e-bike, as well as the top three e-bike models in Canada. Learn more

Learn about the Anatomy of an E-Bike in the spring 2023 digital issue of CAA Saskatchewan Magazine.

Fuel-Efficiency & Driving Costs

CAA’s Fuel-Efficient and Eco-Driving Tips

When you follow CAA’s fuel-efficient driving tips, it’s possible to save hundreds of dollars at the pump each year, lengthen the life of your vehicle by preventing unnecessary wear on your vehicle, and help save the environment.

  • Decrease Drag: Remove roof and bike racks when they’re not in use. They decrease the aerodynamics of a vehicle. Unnecessary items can be removed from the trunk to lighten the load.
  • Avoid Speeding: As you increase speed, more power is needed to push the car through the air. Driving at lower speeds can greatly reduce fuel consumption. Using cruise control for highway driving helps maintain a constant speed and saves gas. Be careful in wet or icy conditions. Consult your owner’s manual for safe instructions on the use of cruise control.
  • Don’t Idle: Parked and waiting for someone? You waste 1 litre of gas every 20 minutes your vehicle is idling. If you are going to be stopped for 60 seconds or more, try to turn off the engine.
  • Combine Trips: Whenever possible, plan your route to combine many visits or errands into one trip. Your vehicle is more fuel efficient when it is warmed up, so several short trips with a cold engine can use twice as much gas than one longer trip.
  • Maintain Your Vehicle: Underinflated tires increase fuel consumption by up to four percent. With regular maintenance services you can help your vehicle run more efficiently.
  • Accelerate Gently: According to one study referenced by Natural Resources Canada, frequent “jackrabbit” starts, and hard braking reduce travel time by only 4 percent, but increase fuel consumption by 39 percent. To maximize your fuel efficiency, take five seconds to accelerate your vehicle up to 20 km/h from a stop. 
  • Coast to Decelerate: By looking ahead at how traffic is behaving, you can often see well in advance when it’s time to slow down. You can conserve fuel and save money by taking your foot off the accelerator and coasting to slow down instead of using your brakes.

CAA’s Driving Costs Calculator

A vehicle new or used, is a major investment. But there’s more to that investment than the sticker price. Knowing the real costs of owning and operating a vehicle can help you budget better and make smart decisions the next time you buy a car. 

CAA’s Driving Costs Calculator breaks down the true expense of hundreds of makes and models by showing their average costs for maintenance, gas, insurance, and depreciation. The calculator also provides the environmental cost in greenhouse gas emissions and compares it with the most fuel-efficient vehicle in the same category – a great feature for anyone looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Learn more about the true cost of your vehicle.

CAA’s Gas Price Monitor

Learn more about how the price of gas is determined, the daily National average of gas prices in Canada, and more.

Smart Infrastructure

Canada’s roads and highways are our chief movers of people, goods, and services. It is crucial to our society and our economy that roadways are kept safe and in good repair, and that we seek innovative data-driven solutions to infrastructure issues. Smart infrastructure is not just about concrete and asphalt. It encompasses complete street design, so pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and drivers can all travel safely and efficiently.

  • CAA’s Cost of Poor Roads in Canada study evaluates the costs to motorists of driving on poor road infrastructure in Canada.
  • CAA’s Breaking the Bottlenecks: Congestion Solutions for Canada study examines the best practices to ease congestion. The result is a Congestion Solutions toolkit to help policy makers and the public identify potential ways, big and small, to alleviate traffic congestion.